Friday, January 2, 2015

Dearest Eve: received your letter written on the run

February 18, 1939

From Nate at Hotel Linden, Indianapolis 
To Eve at Touraine Apartments, Chicago Illinois

Dearest Eve: received your letter written on the run, in fact, it made me feel a bit slighted. So sorry you could not make it here, I will not be able to meet you in Fort Wayne for about a month, so you had better not wait for me. Their [sic] are many reasons why I could not drive into Chicago this week. I have felt very bad all week, stayed in bed all day Friday and still feel like I’m loaded down with the flu. 

You may write to me at c/o General Delivery, Vincennes Indiana thru Tuesday – after Tuesday use Vendome Hotel, Evansville, Indiana. Their [sic] is a lot I’d like to tell you, but it seems that all I can do is hold my head up. I trust last week brought you lots of rest and really hope this letter finds you in the very best of health. 


The Touraine Apartments now (& perhaps then?)

The Vendome Hotel in Evansville was unfortunately razed, but see photos here:

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